Strategic position

Carei is strategically located near the borders with Hungary and Ukraine.

Borders Bors custom 98km ; 1h 23min
Valea lui Mihai custom 32km ; 24min
 Petea custom  45km ; 46min
 Halmeu custom  68km ; 1h 9min
 Urziceni custom  8km ; 9min
Airports Satu Mare 49km ; 51min

Labor force

The area is known for its enormous potential of qualified and unqualified workforce
Human resourses :
– Carei city: 24.402 inhabitants
– Capleni: 3.027 inhabitants
– Camin: 1.406 inhabitants
– comuna CIUMESTI 1356 inhabitants
– Berveni si Lucaceni: 1.300 inhabitants
– Urziceni: 1.447 inhabitants
– Foieni: 1.840 inhabitants
-Tiream: 2.226 inhabitants
– Ghenci: 1.193 inhabitants
– comuna MOFTIN 4518 inhabitants

The industrial park area is of 22 hectares

As a business support structure, the industrial park is extended over an area of 22 hectares. The utilities infrastructure necessary for industrial development allows for immediate accommodation of different client needs.

Electrical energy supply

  • high voltage
  • medium voltaje
  • low voltage

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[tx_column size=”1/3″][tx_heading style=”default” heading_text=”FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION” tag=”h2″ size=”24″ margin=”24″ align=”left”]
reglementari urb-harta

The area of 22ha is organized so that it includes urban functions such as access roads and urbanistic public networks.

An industrial park will be developed in the area, with industrial or storage entities from different economic sectors organized in four areas. These units/ entities will be linked by an internal network of four access roads.

Areas for activities: 18,57ha
Areas for institutions: 0.20ha
Areas for communication paths: 3,23ha


Plan situatie

The industrial park area is structured in four sectors:
– 32 industrial sections
– public roads that will provide access to the sections dedicated for production/ storage units/ entities
– public parking lots
– the administration entity of the industrial park will be located near the entrance from the city.


incadrare-hartaThe industrial park area is situated in the North of the Carei town, within the town confinements, near the railways to Satu Mare and Berveni, the county road DJ 198M to Camin – Berveni and the local road DC 49 to Capleni.

The park area is close to the waterworks and some production units.

According to the urban plans, the industrial park includes the following sections: A 287/1, A 257/1, A260 si A 263.[/tx_column]